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Pineapples for Consumption from Sri Lanka to China.
II. Permitted Imported Commodity Name
Fresh pineapples for consumption (hereinafter referred to as pineapples), with the
scientific name Ananas comosus and English name Pineapple.
III. Permitted Areas of Production
Pineapple production areas in Sri Lanka.
¥³. Approved Orchards and Packing Plants
Orchards and packing plants for the production of pineapples for export to China shall be registered
and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Industries of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the Sri Lankan side) and the General Administration of
Customs of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese side). The registration
information, including names, addresses and registration numbers, shall be provided to facilitate
accurate traceability in case of non-compliance of exported goods. The Sri Lankan side shall provide an
updated list of registered orchards and packing plants to the Chinese side every six months, which
shall be reviewed and approved by the Chinese side before being published on the website of the
Administration of Customs.
V. List of Quarantine Pests of Concern to the Chinese Side
1£®Achatina fulica
2£®Chromolaena odorata
3£®Dickeya chrysanthemi£¨=Erwinia chrysanthemi£©
4£®Digitaria abyssinica
5£®Frankliniella schultzei
6£®Paracoccus marginatus
7£®Pseudococcus viburni
8£®Solanum torvum
9£®Tomato spotted wilt virus
VI. Pre-export Management
1. Orchard Management
(1) Orchards for the production of pineapples for export to China shall establish a sound quality
management system and traceability system under the supervision of the Sri Lankan side, implement
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to ensure the traceability of the production process, maintain orchard
sanitary conditions, and implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM), including regular pest
monitoring, chemical or biological control, and agricultural operations as control measures.
(2) The Sri Lankan side shall formulate management plans for quarantine pests of concern to the
Chinese side in accordance with the requirements of International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures
No. 6 (ISPM 6), and organize the implementation of pest monitoring and integrated pest management
in orchards for the production of pineapples for export to China.
(3) Pest monitoring and control shall be carried out under the guidance of technical personnel. The
technical personnel shall be trained by the Sri Lankan side or its authorized institutions.
(4) For quarantine pests of concern to the Chinese side, such as papaya mealybug and obscure
mealybug, monitoring surveys shall be conducted during the growing season, at least once every two
weeks from the flowering period to the end of the harvesting period. The survey shall focus on
observing whether the target pests are present on the fruits, stems, and leaves. If pests are detected
during monitoring, control measures, including chemical or biological control, shall be taken
immediately to control the occurrence of pests or maintain a low prevalence level of pests.
(5) For Dickeay chrysanthemi, the Sri Lankan side shall establish an orchard monitoring system,
strengthen orchard management, and conduct field monitoring surveys every two weeks during the
pineapple growing period. If suspicious symptoms are found, samples shall be taken immediately and
sent to the laboratory for identification. Once confirmed as Dickeya chrysanthemi, the relevant diseased
plants shall be removed and necessary pest control measures shall be taken, while strengthening the
investigation and monitoring of the affected orchard.
(6) Orchards for the production of pineapples for export to China shall keep records
of pest monitoring and control for at least two years, and shall provide such records
to the Chinese side upon request. The records shall include information on the active
ingredients of chemical pesticides used in the production process, application dates,
and dosages.
2. Packing Plant Management
(1) The processing, packaging, storage, and loading of pineapples for export to China shall be carried
out under the quarantine supervision of the Sri Lankan side or its authorized institutions.
(2) If packaged pineapples need to be stored, they shall be immediately stored in a warehouse and
kept separately to avoid re-infestation by pests.
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