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(3) Packing plants shall establish a traceability system to ensure that pineapples for export to China
can be traced back to registered orchards. Records shall be kept of processing and packaging dates,
names or registration numbers of source orchards, quantities of pineapples received by the packing
plant, export dates, export quantities, destination countries, container numbers, seal numbers, etc. If
chemical pesticides are used during processing, records shall be kept of the dates of use, names, active
ingredients, and dosages of the chemical pesticides. Records shall be kept for at least two years.
3. Packaging Requirements
(1) Packaging materials shall be clean, sanitary, and unused, and shall comply with relevant
phytosanitary requirements of China. If wooden packaging materials are used, they shall comply with
the relevant requirements of International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM 15).
(2) The processing and packaging of pineapples for export to China shall be carried out in registered
packing plants. During the packaging process, manual sorting, screening, brushing, or high-pressure
water washing shall be conducted to ensure that the fruits and crowns are free from insects, mites,
snails, rotten fruits, weed seeds, plant debris, and soil.
(3) Each package box shall be labeled in Chinese or English with information such as the fruit name,
country, production area (province, city or county), orchard name or registration number, packing plant
name or registration number, etc. Each package box and pallet shall be labeled in Chinese or English
with "Exported to the People's Republic of China".
4. Pre-export Inspection and Quarantine
(1) During the first two years of trade, the Sri Lankan side or its authorized officials shall inspect each
batch of pineapples for export to China by sampling at a rate of 2% of the batch quantity. If no
phytosanitary issues occur within two years, the sampling inspection rate may be reduced to 1%.
(2) If live quarantine pests of concern to the Chinese side are found, the entire batch shall not be
exported to China, and the export of pineapples from the relevant orchards and packing plants for
that export season shall be temporarily suspended as appropriate. The Sri Lankan side shall investigate
the cause and take effective improvement measures; it shall also keep relevant records and provide
them to the Chinese side upon request.
5. Phytosanitary Certificate Requirements
For pineapples that pass quarantine inspection, the Sri Lankan side shall issue a Phytosanitary
Certificate, indicating the names or registration numbers of the orchards and packing plants, as well as
the container numbers, and include the following additional declaration: "This consignment complies
with the requirements specified in the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for Export of Fresh
Pineapple Fruits from Sri Lanka to China, and is free from quarantine pests of concern to China."
Prior to the commencement of trade, the exporting country shall provide samples of the Phytosanitary
Certificate to the importing country for confirmation and record keeping.
VII. Entry Inspection, Quarantine, and Handling of Non-Compliant Goods
Upon arrival at the entry ports, the Chinese Customs shall carry out inspection and quarantine
according to the following requirements:
1. Verification of Certificates and Labels
(1) Verify whether the imported fruits have obtained the "Importation Permit for Plants and Animals."
(2) Verify whether the Plant Quarantine Certificate complies with the provisions of Article 6(5) of this
(3) Verify whether the labels on the packaging boxes and pallets comply with the provisions of Article
6(3) of this notice.
2. Entry Inspection and Quarantine
(1) Pineapples intended for importation into China shall enter through ports approved by the Chinese
authorities for the importation of fruits.
3. Handling of Non-Compliant Goods
(1) If pineapples are found to originate from orchards or packaging factories not approved by the
Chinese authorities, the shipment shall not be allowed to enter the country.
(2) In the event of the presence of quarantine pests of concern to China or other newly occurring
quarantine pests from Sri Lanka, or if soil is detected, the shipment shall be returned, destroyed, or
treated to eliminate the pests.
(3) If the goods fail to meet Chinese national food safety standards, the shipment shall be returned or
(4) In the event of the above non-compliance, the Chinese authorities shall immediately notify the
exporting country and, depending on the situation, suspend the importation of pineapples from the
relevant orchards or packaging factories for the current export season. The exporting country shall
investigate the reasons for non-compliance, urge the relevant orchards and packaging factories to
rectify the situation, and prevent similar occurrences. Based on the results of the exporting country's
rectification, the Chinese authorities will decide whether to lift the suspension measures.
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