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you have irrigation or if you¡¯re in that northeast part of the state where it rains like 40
inches of water, I think that¡¯s kind of like the perfect storm for tar spot.¡±
Temperature does not play as important a role in tar spot survival and spread as water and
overall leaf wetness. Often in fields with irrigation, the plants outside of the pivots remain
healthy while the plants in contact with water suffer.
Once fields have become infected with tar spot, which appears as small, black raised bumps
on the leaves of corn similar to insect droppings, it is difficult to keep the problem from
carrying over year to year. ¡°Tar spot will survive in crop residue,¡± Onofre said. ¡°If you¡¯ve
had problems before, you¡¯re at high risk for your second season.¡±
The over-wintering issue is especially dangerous following seasons like this winter, where
livestock producers could be importing tar spot spores and unknowingly distributing them.
¡°There is a problem with tar spot,¡± Onofre said. ¡°Surviving crop residue produces a lot of
spores and a lot of folks buy corn hay, not just from this part of Kansas, but from a lot of
other states.¡±
While the problem of tar spot is a relatively new issue for producers in Kansas and
throughout the U.S., that does not lessen its impact on crop value. ¡°Tar spot was first tracked
in the U.S. in 2015, so I¡¯d say it¡¯s pretty recent for us,¡± Onofre said. ¡°The impact that tar
spot has caused, we¡¯re talking about millions of dollars lost across the region.¡±
Producers can prepare to control and prevent tar spot in their fields prior to its discovery in
the Southeast by scouting fields carefully and planting resistant hybrids. ¡°It¡¯s really hard to
put a break on this disease now, going forward,¡± Onofre said.
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