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W.Bengal customs division requests Bhutanese counterpart to halt export
Govt. in discussions to include potato, apple, orange, ginger and areca nuts
in export list
Rajesh Rai! Phuentsholing
Export of potatoes to India, via Jaigaon, which came to a halt last week,
may not resume anytime soon considering the current situation.
The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) in Jaigaon seized four truckloads of potatoes
on the night of October 14 and handed it to the customs office across the
The deputy commissioner of customs of Dinhata Customs Division in West
Bengal has also written a letter to the regional customs office in
Phuentsholing requesting not to process or allow the vegetable consignments
until the Plant Quarantine Office (PQO) has made arrangements for inspection
at Jaigaon Land Customs Office (LCO).
The letter also requested the SSB to not allow such consignments to enter
India until PQO managed arrangements for inspection at LCS, Jaigaon. The
letter highlighted that some consignments of potatoes and other vegetables
like cabbage, carrot and ginger of Bhutanese origin have been allowed entry
to India from Phuentsholing-Jaigaon gate on October 11 after 10pm.
¡°These consignments have neither been presented to LCS Jaigaon for customs
examination nor any Bill of Entry (BOE) has been filed. Had the importer filed
BOE, the consignments could not have been given clearance without a No
Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Plant Quarantine.¡±
So far there are no arrangements by Plant Quarantine to give NOC at LCS
Jaigaon for import of vegetables from Bhutan, the letter underlined, adding
such importation of vegetables without the NOC and without observance of
due customs formalities is illegal.
It is also clear now that other vegetables (not in the export list with India)
will not be allowed entry to Jaigaon.
As of today, only cardamom and asparagus are listed for export.
Cardamom export had seen similar problems in 2017?after the introduction
of the GST in India.
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