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The following reference material on inspecting horticulture and common pests
and diseases has been updated on the Plant Export Operations Manual to
include new information on fall armyworm including targeted inspection:
Reference: Plant exports guide ? Sampling horticulture
Reference: Pests, diseases and contaminants of horticultural commodities.
All horticulture exports to Fiji must undergo targeted inspection for fall
armyworm and be certified with the new additional declaration in accordance
with the import permit and the relevant Manual of Importing Country
Requirements (Micor) page.
As a result of the changes, sweet corn with husk intact will now require
fumigation to address the risk of fall armyworm. De-husked corn does not
require fumigation. Refer to Micor for updated treatment requirements.
Fiji has advised of new requirements for importing host commodities of
Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm). Fall armyworm is present in Australia
and all fresh fruits and vegetables must now comply with the new
Exporter responsibilities
Ensure you are meeting new conditions as per import permits acquired from
Fiji, including where treatments are now required.
Authorised officer responsibilities
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