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pass to customs immediately at freight terminal for imported fresh fruits and vegetables which are
inspected and found free of injurious pests, when all necessary documents are submitted in
accordance with plant quarantine regulations. This innovative measure helps importers to clear the
customs rapidly and wins highly favorable comments. About 95% of fruits and vegetables are now
subjected to the measure.
(2) On board quarantine of imported bulk grains and cereals
For bulk grains and cereals, such as wheat, barley, corn etc, the plant quarantine officer usually
boards on the vessel to conduct the quarantine. The measure helps the importer to clear customs
faster and releases berth jam pressure of the wharf.
(3) Program of surveillance for detection and alert of the Mediterranean fruit fly, codling moth,
peach twig borer and other quarantine pests
In Taiwan , most imported fruits are from the United States of America , Canada , Australia , New
Zealand , Argentina , France , Italy , South Africa etc. To strictly prevent the Mediterranean fruit fly,
codling moth, peach twig borer and other quarantine pests from invading this country, the
Kaohsiung Branch Office of BAPHIQ not only strengthens the inspection but also conducts a
monitoring program to set up pheromone traps at selected container terminals and in harbor area
for early detection and alert of any invasion of new pests.
(4) Fumigation service and fumigation facilities
Fumigation treatment of disinfection or disinfestation is one of our major work items. The fumigation
facilities are located at NO.30 wharf, comprises five fumigation chambers and one fumigation room.
The major fumigation schedules are set both for the imported plants and plant products on which
injurious pests are found or against the quarantine requirements, and for those as are required by
the importing country.
(5) Passenger quarantine
a. All plants or plant products carried by immigrated passengers by cruise ship or aircraft must
declare to BAPHIQ or custom when arrived in the seaport / Kaohsiung international airport.
b. Failure to declare will be fined NT£¤3,000 or more.
c. Since October 1st 1998, passengers are prohibited from carrying fresh fruits into Taiwan.
d. Live plants and plant products must be in accordance with the requirements of Plant Protection
and Quarantine Act.
The following plant or their products must be applied to quarantine:
1. Live plants (Including seeds and bulbs), live insects and soil.
2. Vegetables (Including fresh or chilled).
3. Cut flowers and cut branches.
4. Dried plants or its products (Including herbs and spices).
5. Cereals.
(6) Postal parcel quarantine
As informed by the post office, our quarantine officer will inspect the mails or parcels including
plants or plant products at post office as soon as possible, so as not to delay the mail delivery.
5.List of registered suppliers of wood packing materials facilities of the Kaohsiung branch, BAPHIQ
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