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Is ToBRFV weakening in Morocco?
One of the biggest concerns for Moroccan tomato growers, if not the biggest, is the spread of
the ToBRFV virus. Moroccan food safety authorities officially recognized the presence of the
virus in 2023. The Moroccan NPPO (ONSSA) informed the EPPO Secretariat of the occurrence
of the virus in the country since October 2021 in the region of Souss-Massa and in March
2022 in the region of Dakhla.
In the last two seasons, according to industry statements, volume losses due to the virus have
been significant, averaging up to 40% of annual volumes. This rate varies from one location to
another and between growers. According to the most optimistic reports, the figure does not
drop below 15%.
However, the 2023/2024 season seems to bring good news for tomato growers. As the season
draws to a close for most varieties, except for summer-grown cherry and elongated tomatoes,
a trend is emerging: "Virus-related losses are much lower than last season," says Oussama
Machi, a fruit and vegetable grower based in Agadir.
Machi adds, "It appears that, hopefully, the virus is weakening. The uprooting rate this season
is much lower than in previous seasons. According to my observations, based on my own
operations as well as those of fellow producers in the region, it would be around 5% on
The grower adds, "Pending concentration of the season's data and statistics by the relevant
bodies, the reason behind this improvement is the normal evolution of the virus, which is
losing its aggressiveness."
The virus causes yield losses and increased management costs. Pulling out contaminated
plants remains the only solution in the event of detection. According to industry sources,
contamination increases considerably during planting and harvesting when growers rely on a
larger number of external workers. Quarantine and the application of strict hygiene protocols
remain the only means of control.
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