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Kenya is badly prepared for floods: Four steps to reduce devastation and deaths
Floods in Kenya in April/May 2024 led to the deaths of over 250 people and caused damage
estimated at 4 billion Kenya shillings (US$35 million).
Not for the first time, Kenya's lack of preparedness was apparent as flooding rampaged
through rural and urban landscapes. There was also confusion as to who would deal with the
disaster?the national or county governments. And it took several weeks before the
government mobilized emergency agencies.
This need not have been the case. The Kenya Meteorological Department, the national weather
agency, gave more than five heavy rainfall advisories between 1 March and 15 May 2024. This
gave the government and humanitarian organizations adequate time for early actions like
providing non-food items and evacuating people from informal settlements.
My research has been focused on understanding the nature, drivers and predictability of flood
events in Kenya. I have also taken part in the Greater Horn of Africa seasonal forecast forums
and have more than 10 years' experience as a climate scientist with Kenya Meteorological
Kenya has made significant advances in the provision of weather and climate information. But
there are some gaps that need to be addressed to prepare and respond better.
In my view, Kenya falls short on key points listed by the World Meteorological Organization.
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